Yes, we will be launching grippy custom sticker feet for your whoop that help you perch on branches! How'd you know?? 

If you're reading this, there's gotta be a good chance you got lucky! 

NEVERTHELESS that was the LAST SUPER EASY part of this scavenger hunt. From here there's a solid chance it's just too difficult for you. 

I would suggest you walk away, but you're obviously committed to the prizes promised. Onward, wayfarer. 

Hhmm, Where's the next challenge

They say if you don't know where to go, it's time to consult a map. Tho I've personally never needed one, I'm a bit of a map man myself, since the release of my new website,!
These new maps are an excellent way for pilots in the community to share videos and flying spots, as well as comemmorate One Way Whoops. The maps just launched yesterday, but you oughta have a gander at the brand new Flying Locations Map.

Somewhere in the world a clue awaits.



















































Once at whoopmaps on, zoom way way out